
Types and efficacy of nuts

EVEWorld 2021. 1. 14. 03:39

Koreans are taking various health foods and nutritional supplements for their health.
Let's find out about the types and functions of nuts that are good for everyone's health.


Nuts contain fat, fiber, protein, unsaturated fats (Omega 6 and Omega 3) magnesium 

and vitamin E.

Many studies of nuts show that people who eat them consistently live longer than those who do not.

Nuts can reduce the risk of other chronic diseases. 

Increases blood sugar levels and lowers the risk of certain cancers.


It's good for your health if you eat the right amount of nuts a day.
If you eat too much, it might be bad, so just take a moderate amount.

The reason why you should eat nuts.

1. Improving heart health (A helper who is critical to cardiovascular health)
2. Protect brain health
3. Inflammationthe ability to make inflammation smaller
4. Improving digestive health
5. Improving of aging
6. Increased muscle
7. Prevent obesity (Diet)
8. Prevent of adult diseases
9. Anti-cancer effect
10. You can get out of constipation.
11. Strengthening immunity


※ PrecautionsActions to be cautious of
* Eating too much can lead to abdominal pain and diarrhea.
* If you are allergic to nuts, consult your doctor in advance.
  If you experience allergic symptoms, go to the hospital immediately.
* If you eat a lot of nuts with high calories, you may gain weight 
depending on the type.
* Frozen storage is better than refrigerated storage.
* Nuts have a lot of fat, so they are prone to spoilage and when they meet with moisture, 
the fungus toxin is produced. It's not good to keep it for a long time.


Types and efficacy of nuts


1. Almond 

It does not contain gluten, so you can even take an allergy. 

It is also rich in vitamin E, unsaturated fatty acids, iron, gallium, polyphenol, protein, dietary fiber, manganese, 

magnesium, and riboflavin (brain health, learning ability improvement, dementia prevention). 

(Recommended daily dose: Up to 24 pills for normal people, 4 pills for normal people, and increase the amount 

if you have a disease.)

* It's good for constipation. (It contains about the same amount of fiber as vegetables and fruits.)

* Diet effect, prventing aging

* Improve menstrual pain and reproductive function.

* Cholesterol level stabilization.

* Microorganisms in the intestines become much stronger.

* Protect and strengthen bones and teeth.

Eating probiotics in almonds' skin helps the growth and reproduction of good bacteria in the intestines.

* Reduce risk of diabetes.

Studies have shown that diabetics can help lower their blood sugar levels by 30 percent after meals.


Recommended daily dose

28g (small handful) - 4 per normal day (increase the amount slightly in case of high cholesterol or indigestion).
Calories: 161kcal
Fat: 14g
Protein: 6g
Carbohydrate: 6g
Fiber: 3.5g
Vitamin E: 37% of the recommended daily dose
Magnesium: 19% of the recommended daily dose


2. Walnut

It is an unsaturated fatty acid food, such as plant omega-3 fatty acids, protein, calcium, glucose, vitamin B, E, and low-carbon high-fat foods such as linoleic acid, linolenic acid, and oleic acid.

* Memory improvement, dementia prevention, brain aging suppression (containing resveratrol substances)

* Good diet effect.

* Eat this. And you can feel full even if you eat a small amount of food.

* Improve skin and acne.

* Improve risk of heart disease and improve cholesterol levels

* Reduces inflammation.

* Improved sperm vitality and reproductive function


Recommended daily dose

28g (small handful) - 7g or less per day (too much at a time to avoid diarrhea, vomiting or allergies)
Calories: 182 kilocalories
Fat: 18g
Carbohydrates: 4g
Fiber: 2g
Vitamin E: 1% of the recommended daily dose


3. Cashew nuts

* Eat this. And you can feel full even if you eat a small amount of food.

* Reduces blood pressure and increases good HDL cholesterol levels.


Recommended daily dose

28g (small handful) - 18 a normal day.
Calories: 157 kcal
Fat: 12g
Sodium: 3.4mg
Carbohydrate: 8.6 g
Protein: 5.2g
Dose: 1.7g
Fiber: 1g
Vitamin E: 1% of the recommended daily dose
Vitamin K: 12% of the recommended daily dose
Magnesium: 20% of the recommended daily dose


4. Pecan

People are said to be the queen of nuts. 
It contains the most antioxidants.


* Vitamin B helps brain health.

* This is effect on arteriosclerosis, various vascular diseases, heart disease, and cancer prevention


Recommended daily dose

28g (small handful) - 18 a normal day.
Calories: 193kcal
Fat: 20g
Carbohydrate: 4g
Protein: 3g
Fiber: 2.5g
Vitamin E: 2% of the recommended daily dose
Magnesium: 8% of the recommended daily dose


5. Macadamia

It has quite a high calorific value. The fat content is also high. Due to its high fat content, it is easy to oxidize or deteriorate in the air.


* Balance cholesterol. (contains tocotrino, a type of vitamin E)

* This food neutralizes antioxidants.

(An antioxidants increase the risk of diabetes, Alzheimer's and heart disease.)

* Improvement of intestinal health


Recommended daily dose

28g (small handful) - 10 to 12
Calories: 203kcal
Fat: 23g
Sodium: 1mg
Carbohydrate: 4g
Protein: 2g
Fiber: 3g
Manganese: 58% of the recommended daily dose
Thiamin: 22% of the recommended daily dose
Copper: 1% of the recommended daily dose
Iron: 6% of the recommended daily dose
Vitamin E: 1% of the recommended daily dose
Vitamin B6 : 5% of the recommended daily dose
Magnesium: 9% of the recommended daily dose


6. Peanut

* Prevention of arteriosclerosis and hypertension

Contains unsaturated fatty acids such as oleinic acid and linoleic acid to inhibit cholesterol and help blood circulation.

* Skin care and aging prevention

Vitamin E helps skin elasticity and shine.

* Brain development 

Pyuporic acid, lecithin, amino acids, etc. help brain development.

* It helps you lose weight.

Because it is rich in protein, carbohydrates, and unsaturated fatty acids, it helps to control your diet just like almonds.

* Recovery from fatigue

Vitamin B1 and B2 are abundant to help recover from fatigue and replenish energy.


※ PrecautionsActions to be cautious of
* Dangerous if you are allergic.
* Don't eat too much because it's high in calories. (20 is 100 kcal.)
* Do not eat anything moldy. 
(Balam materials may also be created.)


7. Sunflower seed

It's not good to eat a lot because it's higher in calories than other nuts.

Efficacy is the same as other nuts.



Recommended daily dose

35g (small handful)
Calories: 204 kcal
Protein: 7.27g
Fat: 18g
Carbohydrate: 7g
Fiber: 3g
Sodium: 1mg
Copper: 70% of the recommended daily dose
Manganese: 34% of the recommended daily dose
phosphorus: 33% of the recommended daily dose
Magnesium: 28% of the recommended daily dose
Selenium: 34% of the recommended daily dose
Vitamin E: 82% of the recommended daily dose
Vitamin B1 : 43% of the recommended daily dose
Vitamin B3 : 18% of the recommended daily dose
Vitamin B6 : 28% of the recommended daily dose
Vitamin B9 : 20% of the recommended daily dose


8. Brazil nut

It is popular in Korea recently because it contains a lot of selenium. 
Less than 3 per day is recommended.
Lack of selenium can lead to muscle pain, muscle loss, and myocardial disease 
(myocardial disease : heart disease caused by damage to the heart muscle).

Excessive consumption of selenium may result in crumbling hair and nails, and symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, skin rashes, fatigue, and neurological abnormalities.


9. Pistachio

It is small in size and amount but higher in calories than other nuts.

The effect is the same as other nuts.

Calories based on 100g: 586 kcal (40 ~ 50 Ea)


10. Ginkgo nut

When autumn comes in Korea, the common nuts on the street is ginkgo nut.

It is a nuts that can be overlooked because it smells bad and is common, but it is a very low-calorie, low-fat food that is good for our health. 

* Bronchial protection

It warms the lungs.
It can help improve bad bronchial tubes, coughing, phlegm.

* The circulation of the blood

It contains an ingredient called longcoplaton, which helps blood circulation by preventing blood from hardening and clumping.
It helps to improve vascular-related diseases.

* Anti-aging

Recovery from fatigue

※ Actions to be cautious of

Since it contains a small amount of natural poison, eating a large amount can cause indigestion or cyanide poisoning. Eating raw can cause abdominal pain or even death.
You should cook and eat it because heat can produce the ingredients of cyanide poison. 

Daily Recommended Amount
10 ea for adults, 2 ~ 3 ea for children.


11. Pine nut

Korea people eat pine nuts porridge or float pine nuts with crystal fruits tea.

It is recommended to eat the recommended daily amount because it is 665kcal per 100g.
The effect is the same as other nuts.
It is good for anemia because it has more iron than walnuts.
Recommended daily dose: 20 ~ 40 ea



12. Tiger nut

It is recommended to eat the recommended daily amount because it is a high-calorie food of 500 kcal per 100g.
The effect is the same as other nuts.
It is good for constipation and blood sugar control because it has more fiber than other nuts.
People with poor bowel conditions can have diarrhea or stomach pains.
Recommended daily volume: 20 ~ 40 Ea


13. Chestnut


14. Hazelnut


15. Cranberry


16. Raisins